Does your product make a clear promise?

You want to be clear about the problem your product was designed to help people solve.

A narrow, specific promise is easier to deliver on. It sets clear expectations and leaves very little wiggle room for misunderstandings.

A broad, vague promise just leaves the door wide open to a mediocre product experience. The wrong people show up with the wrong expectations and everyone is disappointed.

You might have one of those products that solves lots of problems for different people. That’s fine, just pick your primary use case and let’s focus on that for now. You can repeat the process with all your other use cases later.

A clear, narrow promise is much easier to remember.

The problem your product was designed to solve acts as an organic trigger that reminds people about your product.

If they know your product helps them deal with X there’s a chance they’re going to think of you the next time they have to deal with X.

Do a good job of solving the problem the first time they use it and people will remember you the next time they have the problem. Help them solve the problem a second time and you’re well on your way to building a product habit.

Let’s not get carried away though, it all starts with a clear problem.

Improving retention boils down to delivering on the promise your product makes.

The narrow and more specific you promise is the easier it is to deliver on.

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